If you cannot attend GBMs during the recurring meeting time (Wed. 4-5pm), you can still earn your academic points by watching the Zoom recording of the academic meeting and emailing psych.sdsu@gmail.com a summary of what you learned.
*Other meeting types will not be recorded*
During this general body meeting, we heard from Kolby Goodman about tangible strategies in job searching. This was an academic meeting and counted for an academic point.
During this general body meeting, we made positivity cards and flower bouquets for ourselves or a loved one. Each of the flowers had notes above them with the meaning of each flower.
During this general body meeting, we had psychology trivia where we played a Kahoot about topics in psychology. The winners got merch from previous years. This was a wildcard meeting.
During this general body meeting, we had a presentation from Dr. Ulloa about Chicano/a psychology. This was an academic meeting and counted for an academic point. Due to technical difficulties, there is no recording of this meeting but to earn an academic point if you were not able to attend, you may write a 250 word paragraph on:
(1) A summary/description of what Chicano psychology is (etc. history, people involved, your personal perspective)
(2) Research Dr. Emilio Ulloa, what about his personal/academic journey that you can relate to/interesting fact about him or his research interest/academic journals.
During this general body meeting, we had a presentation about self-love and wrote letters to our younger selves or a loved one. We also had a fun photoshoot with backdrops, sunglasses, and balloons This was a social meeting and counted for a social point.
During this general body meeting, we made dog and cat toys for the Animal Humane Society. The current exec board also talked about their roles in the club and encouraged active members to run for a position for next year's exec board. This was a service meeting and counted for a service point.
During this general body meeting, we covered membership requirements for both Psychology Club and Psi Chi. Since this was the first meeting of the semester, we did executive board introductions and mentioned elections for next year's executive board. We also wrote positivity notes and everyone got one note to take home. This was a wildcard meeting.
During this general body meeting, we had a hangout with Dr. Gilbert and the exec board. This was a good opportunity for members to connect with the current exec board if they want to be on next year's exec board. This was our final meeting of the semester.
During this general body meeting, we had a winter social where we made holiday cards and played a movie in the background. This was a social meeting and counted for a social point.
During this general body meeting, we did networking rounds where we got to talk to each other about some of our experiences and interests. Members were also able to get a professional headshot. This was a wildcard meeting and counted for a wildcard point.
During this general body meeting, Dr. Gilbert came to talk to us about neuropsychology. He talked about some of the assessments that are used and how to get a career within neuropsychology. This was an academic meeting and counted for an academic point.
During this general body meeting, we made care packages to send to people in need. We also had an origami making activity to add to the care packages. This was a service meeting and counted for a service point. An extra service point could have been earned by bringing in donations.
During this general body meeting, we had a Halloween social where we decorated Halloween cookies. We had a competition where we voted on the best Halloween cookies. This was a social meeting and counted for a social point.
During this general body meeting, Dr. Thierry Devos came and talked to us about social psychology and the work that social psychologists are involved in. This was an academic meeting and counted for an academic point.
During this general body meeting, we painted positivity rocks for Project 99. This was a service meeting and counts for a service point.
During this general body meeting, Ms. Jennifer Lewis, MA, came and talked to us about school psychology including how she became a school psychologist and what she does as a school psychologist. This was an academic meeting and counted for an academic point.
During this general body meeting, we had a movie diagnosis competition where we got into groups to watch clips from different movies and see which groups could name the correct diagnosis. The competition ended in a tie. This was a social meeting and counted for a social point.
During this general body meeting, we made cards for the kids at Rady Children's Hospital. This was a service meeting and counted for a service point. We also had our Yogurtland fundraiser from 11am-10pm. This counted for a fundraising point.
During this general body meeting, Dr. Koko Nishi came and talked to us about how she became a therapist and her role in Counseling and Psychological Services. This was an academic meeting and counted for an academic point.
During this general body meeting, we had a speed friending social where we made new connections and got to know each other better. We briefly covered membership requirements for both Psychology Club and Psi Chi again.
During this general body meeting, we covered membership requirements for both Psychology Club and Psi Chi and how to apply. We also introduced our officers and talked about what events and meetings will look like for this semester.
During this general body meeting, we had a graduate school panel where students from tracks involving Neuroscience, Occupational Therapy, Higher Education, Social Work, Clinical PhD and MFT answered our questions. Sage Placer will also take the place as the 2024-2025 Treasurer.
During this general body meeting, we held officer elections on Zoom. The new officers for the 2024-25 year are Ingrid Yu, Rubi Carpio, Nadia Shea, Alexa Guevara-Mandujano, Nicole Spiller, Sage Placer, Emily Warren, Jamie Chin, Mehak Hundal, and Jacob Cheatham. Congratulations!
During this general body meeting, we had a "guess the disorder based on the movie clip" competition. We also showed the monthly calendar for our club events and opportunities to earn points (view in slides linked).
During this general body meeting, we made care kits from tissues, bandaids, hand sanitizer, etc. for those in need. This was a service meeting.
During this general body meeting, we discussed the officers individual duties and eligibility. The application to run for an executive position is April 9, and the elections will be held on April 10 at normal meeting times on zoom. The link to apply is at the end of the slides.
During this general body meeting, Dr. Marx came in and spoke about his experience in research and the path towards his PhD. He also discussed his research labs and how to get involved in networking and with professors.
During this general body meeting, we presented on ways to get involved in the psychology field on and off campus, including SDSU courses, labs, volunteering opportunities, and relevant minors. We are also holding a wildcard opportunity on March 16 at 4:30 at Mission Beach, for those of you that can't make it to normal meeting times and still want to be a member.
During this general body meeting, Dr. Turner came into speak about forensic psychology. This meeting was on zoom. We will also be having a Smashburger fundraiser on March 17.
During this general body meeting, we had a Valentine's Day cookie decorating contest! We also discussed earning a fundraising point through ordering fresh tomatos, delivered in late April/early May. More details are in the slides.
During this general body meeting, we made spring and valentines cards for senior citizens. We also talked about the Epic Wings N' Things fundraiser, and how points throughout the semester could be earned.
During this general body meeting, we had a zoom call with Dr. Kraft. She did a Q/A style meeting, where she told us about her area of study and followed up by answering questions. We also presented information about joining psychology club and psi chi.
Spring 2025
Fall 2024
During this general body meeting, Dr. Devos came in to talk about social psychology. This was our last academic meeting of the semester. He spoke about many professors at SDSU that are excelling in the field of Social Psychology, and famous psychologists that are alumni. He also discussed the many careers one can do with a psychology degree. We will be having our final fundraiser with Epic Wings n' Things on December 6th.
During this general body meeting, Professor Marinkovic came in to discuss neuroimaging and the effects of alcohol on the brain. Our canvas painting activity has been scheduled for December 2nd, at 11:00am at the Turtle Pond. This is a good opportunity to get any points you might need before the end of the semester.
During this general body meeting, we painted small rocks with little designs or messages, to support Project 99. Project 99 is a mental health organization that works with schools and families to bring awarness to mental health and suicide prevention. They put these rocks around high schools and middle schools as a way to decorate them with color and positivity.
During this general body meeting, we played Psychology Jeopardy in small groups. We also discussed our Chipotle fundraiser on November 7th. Make sure you mention Psychology Club & Psi Chi at checkout and send a picture of your receipt to earn a fundraising point.
During this general body meeting, we brought in sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies and decorated them with frosting for Halloween. We hope everyone has a great Halloween!
During this general body meeting, we have Dr. Lisa Kath come in and speak about her career in I/O Psychology (Industrial Organizational Psychology). She spoke about what it is, and how to get involved in the field. We also presented an outside of meeting time service point opportunity (see the slides).
During this general body meeting, we did a speed-friending social. We sat in rows and moved down the row, taking 2 minutes to talk to each person. Reminder that we have a Smashburger fundraiser on October 22, and Psi Chi initiation on October 27th.
During this general body meeting, Dr. Gilbert, our club advisor and Department Chair of Psychology came in and presented on Neuropsychology. He showed us the tests that neuropsychologists do to determine if a patient has brain damage or a disorder. He also spoke about the benefits of being a neuropsychologist, and shared some information about grad school and careers in the field. Refer to the slides for more information.
During this general body meeting, we had Dr. Holcomb come in an present on cognitive and Neuroscience. He also spoke about his research lab, which uses a noninvasive EEG to record brain activity while people read from words on a screen. Full presentation in linked zoom recording.
During this general body meeting, we had a quick presentation by Rotaract, then we watched a video on the Ronald McDonald House Charities in San Diego. We then made hand-made cards for the children of the Ronald McDonald House.
During this general body meeting, we shared ways to get involved in the field of psychology, that our exec board is a part of. We discussed volunteering, clubs, labs, etc. There is also a Wings N' Things fundraiser on September 20th. More information in the slides linked
During this general body meeting, we discussed the requirements for Psychology Club and Psi Chi membership. Then, we did a speed dating activity, and had participants share some information about themselves.
During this general body meeting, we introduced the psychology club & Psi Chi executive board for the 2023-34 school year. We also discussed membership and how to achieve active status. There will be a Wings n' Things fundraiser September 20. More information on membership in the slides linked.