SDSU Psi Chi has helped me to develop academically and professionally by providing me with endless opportunities. SDSU Psi Chi provided me with full funding to attend the Western Psychological Associations’ annual conference and present my research, allowing me to network with my peers and professors in the field. Additionally, during my time as Psi Chi President, working with the board members enabled me to build teamwork skills and lasting bonds with my fellow officers and members. My involvement in Psi Chi enabled me to gain valuable leadership, organizational, and management experience, all key tools that have aided me throughout M.S program and internships.
- Julie Ton-Vuong, San Diego State Alumni, M.S student at San Diego State
Joining Psi Chi during my junior year of college was essential to my professional development as a psychology major. Being a member helped me grow my professional network and I still keep in touch with many of my fellow members to this day. Serving as the Vice President also taught me how to be an effective leader and the value of mentoring others in our field to reach their career potential. As a first-generation college student, joining this organization also provided critical support systems that ultimately helped me become a psychology professor - both in terms of graduate school application guidance and financial support for my research activities and education.
-Dr. Larissa Barber, Professor at San Diego State
Becoming a member of Psi Chi was one of the best decisions I made during my undergraduate career. It allowed me to network at major conferences such as WPA. I love that I could gain insight on what graduate schools there were and what options I have, especially if I chose to stay in San Diego. Being a member of the executive board allowed me to branch out of my comfort zone and obtain a leadership role in an organization that I felt passionately about. Any opportunity that I had to hang out with other people who love psychology was amazing.
- Kiana Wiley, San Diego State Alumni, M.A student at USD.