Frequently Asked Questions
When is my application due?
The deadline to turn in both Psi Chi International's 2024-2025 online application and SDSU Psi Chi's paper application is March 21st, 2025.
When does my membership expire?
Never! Your Psi Chi membership lasts for your whole life! Psi Chi membership provides a plethora of benefits to both students and working professionals, including scholarships and the opportunity to be a published author in Psi Chi’s peer-reviewed journal and other publications.
Do I have to pay a fee every year?
No! Unlike many other honor’s societies and student organizations, we have a one time application fee. This $80 fee gives you Psi Chi membership for your whole life!
I’m a transfer student and I meet all GPA requirements, can I apply my first semester?
Not yet, but don’t worry. Applicants need to complete 9 semester hours/units of psychology courses at SDSU. Usually, transfer students complete this requirement by the end of their first semester at SDSU.
I’ve read through the requirements and still don’t know if I qualify, what should I do?
If you are unsure of whether you meet Psi Chi requirements, bring a copy of your DARS to either Ingrid's or Rubi's office hours.
Ingrid Yu, Psi Chi President: By appointment only
Rubi Carpio Flores, Psi Chi Vice President: By appointment only
My GPA is below Psi Chi requirements, what should I do?
The Psychology Undergraduate Advising Office is a great resource for all students looking for academic advising. Visit their website for their hours and other information: https://psychology.sdsu.edu/information/
I’m not eligible for Psi Chi, how do I get involved?
There are plenty of amazing psychology organizations on campus for you to join! Psychology Club meets at the same time as Psi Chi and is an amazing way to get involved on campus. Other organizations on campus include Active Minds and the Counseling and Social Change Club! Check out the College of Sciences Student Council website for a list of clubs that may relate to your interests: https://as.sdsu.edu/cssc/organizations.
How do I know if I've been accepted into Psi Chi?
We will send you an email letting you know whether you have been accepted into Psi Chi.
When are the meetings?
Our meetings for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters are every Wednesday from 4-5pm in Legacy Suite, Third floor of the Aztec Student Union.
What is the Psi Chi Initiation Ceremony?
The Psi Chi initiation ceremony is an intimate gathering of friends, family and faculty to celebrate the academic accomplishment of the recently initiated Psi Chi members! You will take part in the tradition of initiation as well as receive your official certificate of membership. Psi Chi will provide dinner for all attendees. Information on the initiation date and ticket prices will be sent to members after their acceptance.