Why Psi Chi?
There are plenty of amazing clubs and organizations on campus! This may leave you wondering: Why Psi Chi?
Your Psi Chi membership lasts for your whole life! Psi Chi membership provides a plethora of benefits to both students and working professionals, including scholarships and the opportunity to be a published author in Psi Chi’s peer-reviewed journal and other publications
Academic Excellence
Psi Chi membership demonstrates a high level of academic achievement. This membership is an honor which can be noted on employment applications, vitaes, and resumés. Psi Chi members include famous professionals such as Albert Bandura, B.F. Skinner, and Philip G. Zimbardo (a full list of distinguished members can be found at: https://www.psichi.org/page/Dist_Members#.XWeD0JNKg1I). Psi Chi members continue their education more than the average student population. Psi Chi is ACHS accredited, well-represented, and respected among professional ranks of all behavioral sciences.
As a Psi Chi member, you are eligible to apply for the over $400,000 in awards, grants, stipends, and scholarships that are offered every year. Since these programs are open only to Psi Chi members, there is a much smaller pool of competitors than other programs. Members of Psi Chi are eligible to apply for scholarships through the national website: https://www.psichi.org/.
During our academic meetings, we invite professionals from the field of psychology to speak to our members. To make sure each member gets the most out of these meetings, each semester we ask students which fields of psychology or careers they are interested in. We then curate our guest speakers to your interests! This allows you the opportunity to network with professionals who are in your field of interest.
Our Psi Chi student officers, as well as our faculty advisor Dr. Gilbert, offer the opportunity to receive amazing support and mentorship. The opportunity for mentorship continues beyond SDSU; Psi Chi’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages also provide limitless ways to connect with and learn from other Psi Chi members.
Lifetime Friendships
Students often struggle to find their niche on campus, we’re here to help you find yours! Psi Chi hosts social events both on and off campus to allow members to form lifelong bonds.
Award Winning Chapter
SDSU’s Chapter of Psi Chi has received multiple excellency awards from the Psi Chi National Organization. Most recently, we were awarded the 2018-19 Regional Chapter Award.
Still not convinced? More information on benefits of membership can be found at :