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About our Points System:


An “active” member is someone who meets the below requirements in a one semester timespan. If you meet the criteria, you are eligible for a free cord for graduation, and to run for certain officer positions. If you do not reach the number of attended events, you are still able to purchase a cord at the end of the year.


“Active” membership means that you have participated in 2 events in each of the 4 categories (service, academic, fundraising, and social events) in 1 semester.


CLICK HERE to view your points for the semester!

What is considered a service, academic, fundraising, and social event?


  • Service: Various community service events we post about such as feeding the homeless, Father Joe’s kitchen, beach clean ups, etc.


  • Academic: Attending a club meetings or conferences.


  • Fundraising: Any fundraising event we host such as going to a pre-determined restaurant, canned food-drive, etc.


  • Social: Club hosted pizza parties, potlucks, ice-skating, game night, etc.


**All these events need to be approved prior and advertised by us**

*Description of points are subject to change


One Semester “Active” Members:

  • Eligibility to run for officer positions (other than President/Vice President/Treasurer)


Two Semester “Active” Members:

  • Eligibility to run for all officer positions (including President/Vice President/Treasurer)

  • Receive free chords at graduation

    • ** However all members may still purchase them! **


If you can't make it to our weekly meetings, you can still be an active member!


  • Academic meetings will be recorded and put on our website after (under "More" -> "Meeting Minutes"), where you can watch it and email us a summary and you’ll get the point for it

  • We will also have socials on weekends and times besides on Wednesday

  • For fundraising, the restaurants are open all day and you can purchase our merchandise 

  • Lastly, for service points, there are volunteer events which are outside of meeting times

    • If you volunteer outside of the events hosted or suggested by our organization and it's related to the psychology field (at least one hour), you can email us to also gain a point​

  • There will also be wildcard point opportunities which is a filler for any category you might need! 

    • If you wear our merch to a club meeting, you can earn up to one wildcard point​


Previous Semesters Points: 

Please contact for inquiries about points. 

If you have received active membership in the previous point system, contact us to verify this to see if you are eligible for a free cord.


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