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RAAP (Research Assistant Application Program)

Psychology Department


If you are interested in joining a research laboratory, and gaining valuable research experience while receiving PSY499 credit for it simultaneously, be sure to check out RAAP! RAAP is the Research Assistant Application Program. The goal of the RAAP is to connect students who are interested in working in a research laboratory with faculty who are currently looking for research assistants. The sooner you apply, the sooner we will be able to place you in a laboratory for PSY499 credit. The add/drop deadline is September 8th, so be sure to get your applications in!

For your convenience, the psychology lab openings for the fall semester may be found below. A more descriptive profile of the lab of your interest may be found in the tab labeled "RAAP" on Psych Homeroom. Feel free to send any questions and/or applications to




Peer Education Program

Counseling and Psychological Services


Interested in learning more about the helping profession? Become a Peer Educator with Counseling and Psychological Services. Applications are typically due mid-spring for the next school year. 


"The Peer Education program offers students the opportunity to gain first-hand experience working in the mental health field with an emphasis on valuing and respecting diversity among individuals. The primary focus of their work is on outreach and educational activities that will provide programmatic support for our center."


Click here for the website!


Peer Advising

Department of Psychology


Why become a Peer Advisor?
Learn all there is to know about career options for psychology majors.
Earn six units of upper-division psychology, PSY491.
Become an experienced advisor

  • Helps you decided if you really do want to work with people, and

  • Is extremely valuable on your resume for applying to graduate programs.

  • Work with a group of highly motivated, incredibly inspiring people: the advisors.

  • Receive a letter of recommendation


Applications typically due mid to end of spring for the upcoming school year.

Training and Mentoring Program

IMPACT Program at Institute for Behavioral and Community Health


Here is a internship opportunity (paid and non-paid).

Email contact is below if you have specific questions, Michelle


Thank you again for taking an interest in the Training and Mentoring Program, hosted through the IMPACT Program at Institute for Behavioral and Community Health. Our program has both paid and unpaid internships available, but right now we would really like to promote our paid internship opportunity, known as the Training and Mentoring Program (TMP). It is about a two year program, that supports graduate and undergraduate students gain public health research experience while also exposing them to trainings, workshops, networking opportunities and mentorship to support both their educational and career development. 

Requirements of the Internship:

  • Students enrolled at SDSU

    • Undergraduate

      • Minimum one year (or 24 units) completed at time of application

      • Minimum 2.5 GPA

    • Masters-level

      • Started classes in a Masters-level program with an emphasis on health at time of application

      • Minimum 2.8 GPA (if first semester student, 2.8 GPA cumulative undergraduate; if second semester or later, 2.8 GPA for previous semester(s) cumulative)

  • Students "underrepresented" in research:

    • Students of the following racial/ethnic groups

      • African American

      • Hispanic/Latino

      • Native American

      • Alaskan Native

      • Hawaiian Native

      • U.S. Pacific Island Native

    • Students with disabilities

    • Students from disadvantaged backgrounds

      • Family has annual income below established low-income threshold

      • From social, cultural, or educational environment (rural, inner city) that has inhibited you from obtaining the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to develop and participate in a research career.

  • Students demonstrating an interest in exploring the field of community health research.

Important Dates

- Application Deadline has been extended! Applications are currently open. They are due OCTOBER 25. (

- We will be hosting workshops to help you complete the applications and answer any questions you might have. Please email:  to set up an appointment with one of our current TMP-ers to help you review your application. Please send your requests ASAP to allow for enough time to review if you would like to have your application reviewed BEFORE you submit!

- Training will start before Spring semester starts in JANUARY 2014

Remember! Applications require the following:
·         Application
·         Resume
·         Personal Statement
·         Transcript

Please remember to keep checking the IMPACT Facebook ( to stay up to date on events and upcoming dates!

 We look forward to reviewing your applications!

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